The course will provide information to meet the Nitrous Oxide/oxygen inhalation conscious sedation. This is a required course for dentists on the rules and regulations for the Texas State Board of Dental Examiners to qualify for a sedation/anesthesia permit.
At the end of the didactic and clinical sessions, the participant will be able to:
Define conscious sedation and be aware of the benefits for the patient and dentist
Understand the psychophysiology of pain, anxiety, and sedation
Understand the physiology of respiration and of N2O-O2 inhalation
Know the advantages, disadvantages, indications, and contraindications to the use of N2O in normal and medically compromised patients
Understand the techniques used to administer N2O and monitor patients while they receive it
Recognize the complications that may arise as a result of N2O administration, and understand the prevention, early detection, and treatment of these complications
Learn the hazards associated with the use of N2O and accepted methods used to reduce exposure to an acceptable level in the dental office
Recognize special problems associated with the use of N2O in children and know the proper technique for administering it to them
Discuss nitrous oxide equipment, including tanks, regulators, manifolds and machines
Understand guidelines for installation and use as issued by the National Fire Protection Association and the American Dental Association
Recognize the similarities of N2O sedation and hypnosis, be familiar with the basic concepts of hypnosis and its usefulness as an adjunct to N2O sedation
It is the policy of the UT Health San Antonio Office of Continuing Dental Education to ensure balance, independence, objectivity and scientific rigor in all of its sponsored educational activities. All participating speakers, course directors, and planning committee members are required to disclose to the program audience any financial relationships related to the subject matter of this program. Relationships of spouse/partner with proprietary entities producing health care goods or services should be disclosed if they are of a nature that may influence the objectivity of the individual in a position to control the content of the CDE activity. Disclosure information is reviewed in advance in order to manage and resolve any possible conflicts of interest. Specific disclosure information for each speaker, course director, and planning committee member will be shared with the audience prior to the speaker’s presentation.
Continuing Dental Education Staff members have nothing to disclose.
Check-in: 8:30 AM Program time: 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM
UT Health San Antonio, Center for Oral Health Care and Research