2s for Practitioners | John Rugh, PhD
| 1.0 | 35.00
| Practice Management |
Achieving Aesthetic Laminate Veneers | Graziano Giglio, DDS
| 1.5 | 50.00
| Esthetic/Cosmetic Dentistry |
Adverse Drug Reactions vs. Adverse Drug Events: Why is it Important to Know? (Managing the Medically Compromised Patient) | Mea Weinberg, DMD, MSD, RPh
| 1.0 | 35.00
| Endodontics |
All on Four Rehabilitation in the Edentulous Arch: Team Approach | Carlos Landaeta Quinones, DDS
| 1.0 | 35.00
| Special Patient Care |
Alveolar Ridge Preservation: Rationale, Materials, and Treatment Outcomes | Tyler D. Borg, DDS
| 1.0 | 35.00
| Periodontics |
Anomalies of the Pediatric Oral Cavity | Jeffrey C. Mabry, DDS, MS
| 1.0 | 35.00
| Pediatric Dentistry |
Anterior Endodontics for the General Practitioner | Allan S. Deutsch, DMD
| 1.5 | 50.00
| Endodontics |
Buccal Plate Preservation | Federico Brugnami, DDS Alfonso Caiazzo, DDS
| 1.0 | 35.00
| Implants |
Combination Inhalation-Enteral (Oral) Minimal Sedationcertification/licensure | David M. Grogan, DDS, MSD Arthur H. Jeske, DMD, PhD Ernest B. Luce, DDS Ernest E. Valdez, DDS
| 18.0 | 515.00
| Anesthesia and Pain Management |
Common Oral Lesions: Acute Red Lesions (Review of Common Oral Lesions) | Michaell A. Huber, DDS
| 1.0 | 35.00
| Oral Medicine, Oral Diagnosis, Oral Pathology |
Common Oral Lesions: Chronic Red Lesions (Review of Common Oral Lesions) | Michaell A. Huber, DDS
| 1.0 | 35.00
| Oral Medicine, Oral Diagnosis, Oral Pathology |
Common Oral Lesions: Exophytic and White Lesions (Review of Common Oral Lesions) | Michaell A. Huber, DDS
| 1.0 | 35.00
| Oral Medicine, Oral Diagnosis, Oral Pathology |
Complex Prosthetics in General Practice, “What to do, How to do it, and When”: Part I (Complex Prosthetics in General Practice, “What to do, How to do it and When”) | Ron Margolies, DMD
| 1.0 | 35.00
| Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery |
Complex Prosthetics in General Practice, “What to do, How to do it, and When”: Part II (Complex Prosthetics in General Practice, “What to do, How to do it and When”) | Ron Margolies, DMD
| 1.0 | 35.00
| Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery |
Complex Prosthetics in General Practice, “What to do, How to do it, and When”: Part III (Complex Prosthetics in General Practice, “What to do, How to do it and When”) | Ron Margolies, DMD
| 1.5 | 50.00
| Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery |
Computerized Dentistry for Private Practice: Abutments, Ceramics, and Occlusion | Dean Vafiadis, DMD
| 1.0 | 35.00
| Endodontics |
Contemporary Complete Dentures, “What Every Dentist Should Know” | Bruce G. Valauri, DDS
| 2.0 | 65.00
| Endodontics |
Crown Lengthening: A Powerful Tool for Healthier Gums and Better Crowns | James B. Fine, DMD
| 1.5 | 50.00
| Endodontics |
Curso y Examen de Registro de Asistenta Dental (Spanish Course/Curso Español)certification/licensure | Peggy Hernandez, CDA, RDA
| 8.0 | 95.00
| Dental Assisting |
Dental Assistant Registration Course and Examination (English Course/Curso Inglés)certification/licensure | Peggy Hernandez, CDA, RDA
| 8.0 | 95.00
| Dental Assisting |
Dental Materials in Modern Dentistry | Jose F. Cortes-Botello, DDS
| 1.0 | 35.00
| Dental Materials |
Diagnosis and Treatment of Pediatric Oral Trauma, Lecture #1 (Diagnosis and Treatment of Pediatric Oral Trauma) | Jane A. Soxman, DDS
| 1.0 | 50.00
| Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery |
Diagnosis and Treatment of Pediatric Oral Trauma, Lecture #2 (Diagnosis and Treatment of Pediatric Oral Trauma) | Jane A. Soxman, DDS
| 1.5 | 50.00
| Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery |
Diagnosis and Treatment of Pediatric Oral Trauma, Lecture #3 (Diagnosis and Treatment of Pediatric Oral Trauma) | Jane A. Soxman, DDS
| 1.0 | 50.00
| Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery |
Dosing and Administration Challenges of Local Anesthetics in Dental Practice (Managing the Medically Compromised Patient) | Mea Weinberg, DMD, MSD, RPh
| 1.0 | 35.00
| Endodontics |
Emergence Profiles in Natural Tooth Contours | Burney Croll, DMD
| 1.0 | 35.00
| Removable Prosthodontics |
Endodontic Management of Immature Permanent Teeth | Jonathan Fu, DDS
| 1.0 | 35.00
| Endodontics |
Endodontic Retreatment, Part 1: Achieving Success the Second Time (Endodontic Retreatment: Achieving Success the Second Time) | Brett E. Gilbert, DDS
| 1.0 | 35.00
| Endodontics |
Endodontic Retreatment, Part 2: Achieving Success the Second Time (Endodontic Retreatment: Achieving Success the Second Time) | Brett E. Gilbert, DDS
| 1.0 | 35.00
| Endodontics |
Epidemiology of Dental Trauma & Initial Assessment and Diagnosis (Dental Trauma In Pediatric Dentistry) | Lina M. Cardenas, DDS, MS, PhD
| 1.0 | 35.00
| Pediatric Dentistry |
Evaluating and Treating TMD: Muscle Disorders (Evaluating and Treating TMD) | Edward F. Wright, DDS, MS
| 1.5 | 50.00
| Implants |
Evaluating and Treating TMD: Self-Management and Appliance Therapies (Evaluating and Treating TMD) | Edward F. Wright, DDS, MS
| 2.0 | 65.00
| Implants |
Evaluating and Treating TMD: TMJ Disorders (Evaluating and Treating TMD) | Edward F. Wright, DDS, MS
| 1.5 | 65.00
| Implants |
Evidence You Need to Know About Periodontal Treatment: What Works and What Doesn’t - Part 1 (Evidence You Need to Know About Periodontal Treatment: What Works and What Doesn’t) | James B. Fine, DMD
| 1.5 | 50.00
| Endodontics |
Evidence You Need to Know About Periodontal Treatment: What Works and What Doesn’t - Part 2 (Evidence You Need to Know About Periodontal Treatment: What Works and What Doesn’t) | James B. Fine, DMD
| 1.5 | 50.00
| Endodontics |
Facial Pain NOT Caused by Teeth, Lecture 1 (Facial Pain NOT Caused by Teeth) | Jeff Burgess, DDS, MSD
| 1.0 | 35.00
| Endodontics |
Facial Pain NOT Caused by Teeth, Lecture 2 (Facial Pain NOT Caused by Teeth) | Jeff Burgess, DDS, MSD
| 1.0 | 35.00
| Endodontics |
Facial Pain NOT Caused by Teeth, Lecture 3 (Facial Pain NOT Caused by Teeth) | Jeff Burgess, DDS, MSD
| 1.0 | 35.00
| Endodontics |
General Principles, Diagnosis, and Hard Tissue Injuries (Dental Trauma In Pediatric Dentistry) | Lina M. Cardenas, DDS, MS, PhD
| 1.5 | 50.00
| Pediatric Dentistry |
Graftless Solutions for Implant Placement | William H. Stalker DDS, MS
| 1.0 | 35.00
| Implants |
Guidelines on Teaching Patients How Diet Affects Oral Health | Lori Grant, M.Ed., RD, LD
| 1.0 | 35.00
| Nutrition |
How to Achieve Excellent Marginal Fit and Cervical Contour with Crowns | Charles J. Goodacre, DDS, MSD
| 1.0 | 35.00
| Implants |
How to Take Perfect PVS Impressions Every Time | Rebecca Poling, DDS, MSD
| 1.0 | 50.00
| Orthodontics |
Implant Supported Restorations in the Esthetic Zone | Daniel E. Perez, DDS
| 1.0 | 35.00
| Implants |
Implants, Tissue Control, and Laboratory Communications | Christopher J. Perry, MS, DMD, MAGD
| 1.0 | 35.00
| Implants |
Instrument Sharpening | Harold L. Meador, DDS
| 1.0 | 35.00
| Periodontics |
Instrumentation: The Science and The Art | Peter Cathro, MDS, Cert. Tert T, FADI, FPFA, FICD
| 1.0 | 35.00
| Endodontics |
Interdisciplinary Ortho | Dubravko Pavlin, DMD, MSD, PhD
| 1.0 | 35.00
| Orthodontics |
Is Occlusion Dead or Just Sleeping It Off? | Jeffrey Scott Rouse, DDS
| 1.0 | 35.00
| Occlusion |
Jurisprudence: How to Avoid a Legal Entanglement (Dental Sleep Medicine) | Robert R. Rogers
| 1.0 | 35.00
| Endodontics |
Lingual Orthodontics | Ravikumar R. Anthony, BDS, MDS, MS
| 1.0 | 35.00
| Orthodontics |
Management of the Extraction Site | Stefan Fickl, DMD
| 1.0 | 35.00
| Esthetic/Cosmetic Dentistry |
Mandibular Tissue Supported Implant-Retained Overdentures | Peggy Alexander, DDS, MPH
| 1.0 | 35.00
| Removable Prosthodontics |
Medication Management in Dental Patients with Common Medical Conditions (Managing the Medically Compromised Patient) | Mea Weinberg, DMD, MSD, RPh
| 1.0 | 35.00
| Endodontics |
Mini-Implants: Alternative Treatment Option | Norma Olvera, DDS, MS
| 1.0 | 35.00
| Implants |
Monitoring of Nitrous Oxide Sedation for Dental Hygienists and Dental Assistantscertification/licensure | Ernest E. Valdez, DDS
| 9.0 | 120.00
| Anesthesia and Pain Management |
Obturation: Basis, Objectives, and Techniques | Catalina Méndez, DDS
| 1.0 | 35.00
| Endodontics |
Occlusion Made Simple | Jack I. Shirley, DDS
| 1.0 | 35.00
| Occlusion |
Opioid Crisis in Americacertification/licensure | Jack Vizuete, DDS
| 2.0 | 85.00
| Anesthesia and Pain Management |
Options for the Endodontically Compromised Tooth | Evan Lynn, DDS
| 1.5 | 50.00
| Endodontics |
Oral and Maxillofacial Radiology as Center of Interdisciplinary Collaboration in Academic Practice | Marcel Noujeim DDS, MS
| 1.0 | 35.00
| Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery |
Oral Surgery 101: Basics in Oral Surgery, Lecture #1 (Oral Surgery 101: Basics in Oral Surgery) | Jay B. Reznick, DMD, MD
| 1.0 | 35.00
| Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery |
Oral Surgery 101: Basics in Oral Surgery, Lecture #2 (Oral Surgery 101: Basics in Oral Surgery) | Jay B. Reznick, DMD, MD
| 1.5 | 50.00
| Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery |
Oral Surgery 101: Basics in Oral Surgery, Lecture #3 (Oral Surgery 101: Basics in Oral Surgery) | Jay B. Reznick, DMD, MD
| 1.0 | 35.00
| Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery |
Patient Management... From a Non-Clinical Perspective | Jennifer De St. Georges
| 1.5 | 35.00
| Practice Management |
Perforations: The Endodontic Dilemma | Ahmed Abdel Rahman Hashem
| 1.0 | 35.00
| Endodontics |
Periodontal and Prosthetic Management of Furcated Teeth | Dennis Tarnow, DDS
| 1.5 | 50.00
| Esthetic/Cosmetic Dentistry |
Potpourri of Common Problems in Implant Surgery | James M. Duncan, DDS
| 1.0 | 35.00
| Implants |
Primary Tooth Trauma (Dental Trauma In Pediatric Dentistry) | Lina M. Cardenas, DDS, MS, PhD
| 1.5 | 50.00
| Pediatric Dentistry |
Principles of Drug Interactions in the Dental Practice (Managing the Medically Compromised Patient) | Mea Weinberg, DMD, MSD, RPh
| 1.0 | 35.00
| Endodontics |
Renewal Course for Minimal Sedation (Level 1) Permitcertification/licensure | Arthur H. Jeske, DMD, PhD Ernest B. Luce, DDS
| 8.0 | 210.00
| Anesthesia and Pain Management |
Review of Smile Design Parameters | Graziano Giglio, DDS
| 1.0 | 35.00
| Implants |
Section 1: Oral Cancer Update on Risk Factors (Oral Cancer: Update on Risk Factors, Adjunctive Diagnostic Aids, Management Strategies, & Complications) | Michaell A. Huber, DDS
| 1.0 | 35.00
| Oral Medicine, Oral Diagnosis, Oral Pathology |
Section 1: Pain Posture and Ergonomics (Seven Ways To Avoid Carpal Tunnel Syndrome) | Harold L. Meador, DDS
| 1.0 | 35.00
| Oral Medicine, Oral Diagnosis, Oral Pathology |
Section 1: Prevention and Section 2: Preparation of Office Staff | Stanley F. Malamed, DDS
| 1.5 | 50.00
| Anesthesia and Pain Management |
Section 1: The Complete Edentulous Impression Made Simple (Impressions Made Simple) | Joseph Massad, DDS
| 1.5 | 50.00
| Removable Prosthodontics |
Section 2: Healthy Repetitive Motions to Avoid Injury (Seven Ways To Avoid Carpal Tunnel Syndrome) | Harold L. Meador, DDS
| 1.0 | 35.00
| Oral Medicine, Oral Diagnosis, Oral Pathology |
Section 2: Impressions For Immediate Partial, Highly Mobile Teeth Made Accurately without Stress (Impressions Made Simple) | Joseph Massad, DDS
| 1.5 | 50.00
| Removable Prosthodontics |
Section 2: Oral Cancer Adjunctive Diagnostic Aids (Oral Cancer: Update on Risk Factors, Adjunctive Diagnostic Aids, Management Strategies, & Complications) | Michaell A. Huber, DDS
| 1.0 | 35.00
| Oral Medicine, Oral Diagnosis, Oral Pathology |
Section 3-Part A: The Precision Implant Impression Made Simple (Impressions Made Simple) | Joseph Massad, DDS
| 1.0 | 35.00
| Removable Prosthodontics |
Section 3-Part B: Impressioning of the Implant Overdenture Closed Implant Level Procedure (Impressions Made Simple) | Joseph Massad, DDS
| 1.0 | 35.00
| Removable Prosthodontics |
Section 3: Oral Cancer Strategies & Complications (Oral Cancer: Update on Risk Factors, Adjunctive Diagnostic Aids, Management Strategies, & Complications) | Michaell A. Huber, DDS
| 2.0 | 65.00
| Oral Medicine, Oral Diagnosis, Oral Pathology |
Section 4-Part A: Headache Free Accurate Relines for Complete Immediate and Overdentures (Impressions Made Simple) | Joseph Massad, DDS
| 1.0 | 35.00
| Removable Prosthodontics |
Section 4-Part B: Headache Free Accurate Relines for Complete Immediate and Overdentures (Impressions Made Simple) | Joseph Massad, DDS
| 1.0 | 35.00
| Removable Prosthodontics |
Socket Preservation: Indications and Options | Guy Huynh-Ba, DDS, MS
| 1.0 | 35.00
| Periodontics |
Soft Tissue Injuries, Prevention Of Trauma & Trauma Kit (Dental Trauma In Pediatric Dentistry) | Lina M. Cardenas, DDS, MS, PhD
| 1.0 | 35.00
| Pediatric Dentistry |
Support Tissue Injuries and Summary (Dental Trauma In Pediatric Dentistry) | Lina M. Cardenas, DDS, MS, PhD
| 1.0 | 35.00
| Pediatric Dentistry |
Teaching Oral Disease Prevention and Health Promotion | Deborah Stauffer RDH, EdD
| 1.0 | 35.00
| Endodontics |
Team-Driven, Patient-Centered, Practice Management: The Exam (Team-Driven, Patient-Centered, Practice Management) | Christopher J. Perry, MS, DMD, MAGD
| 2.0 | 65.00
| Practice Management |
Team-Driven, Patient-Centered, Practice Management: Treatment Planning for Success (Team-Driven, Patient-Centered, Practice Management) | Christopher J. Perry, MS, DMD, MAGD
| 1.5 | 50.00
| Practice Management |
The 3 U’s of Vitamin D Therapy: Mis-Understood, Unappreciated, Underused | James B. Fine, DMD
| 1.0 | 35.00
| Endodontics |
The Essentials of Endodontic Diagnosis | Brett E. Gilbert, DDS
| 2.0 | 65.00
| Endodontics |
The Joy of Patient Communication | Benjamin W. Young, DDS, MS
| 1.0 | 35.00
| Special Patient Care |
The Patient on Anticoagulant Therapy, What’s New? | Michaell A. Huber, DDS
| 1.0 | 35.00
| Oral Medicine, Oral Diagnosis, Oral Pathology |
The Precision Prosthesis: Attachments Used In Removable Prosthetics | James T. Ellison, CDT
| 1.0 | 35.00
| Implants |
TMD / Orofacial Pain: Considerations for the General Practitioner | Dr. Barry Rozenberg
| 1.0 | 35.00
| TMJ/TMD and MPD |
TMD Highlights | Edward F. Wright, DDS, MS
| 1.0 | 35.00
| Orofacial Pain |
Trauma in the Pediatric Patient | Steven P. Hackmyer, DDS
| 1.0 | 35.00
| Pediatric Dentistry |
Treating the Pregnant Dental Patient | Barbara MacNeill, MS, DMD
| 1.0 | 35.00
| Special Patient Care |
Truth About Zirconia: Clinical Assessment Update | Norma Olvera, DDS, MS
| 1.0 | 35.00
| Esthetic/Cosmetic Dentistry |
Update on Bone Grafting | James B. Fine, DMD
| 1.5 | 50.00
| Endodontics |
Update on Bone Substitutes: What Every Dentist Needs to Know | James B. Fine, DMD
| 1.0 | 35.00
| Endodontics |
Update on Oral Cancer Diagnostic Aids | Michaell A. Huber, DDS
| 1.0 | 35.00
| Special Patient Care |
Using 3D Imaging: The New Standard of Care | Alan Winter, DDS
| 1.5 | 50.00
| Implants |
Using Technology in Implant Dentistry | David A. Little, DDS
| 1.0 | 35.00
| Implants |
Vertical Fractures: Diagnosing Vertical Root Fractures with New and Advanced Imaging Technologies | Luis C. Yepes, DDS
| 1.0 | 35.00
| Endodontics |
Workshop Section 3: The Ultimate Recipe For Success (Seven Ways To Avoid Carpal Tunnel Syndrome) | Harold L. Meador, DDS
| 1.0 | 35.00
| Oral Medicine, Oral Diagnosis, Oral Pathology |
Zirconia Implants: Diagnosis & Treatment Planning | Stefanie D. Seitz, DDS
| 1.0 | 35.00
| Implants |