Renewal Course for Minimal Sedation (Level 1) Permit
Course Overview
This course presents a general review of concepts and methods applicable to minimal enteral sedation. The course is designed to satisfy TSBDE Sedation continuing education requirements for Minimal Sedation (Level I) permit holders. This course contains seven sections that must be completed sequentially, passing a short examination after each section before moving to the next one.
Participation in the course requires that you:
Register online with the our secured server.
Pay a registration fee.
Paying With A Credit Card – Once you complete your registration, an e-mail will automatically be sent to you, at the address you provided, containing your User Code and Password and link to a Logon Session page to begin the course.
Not Paying With a Credit Card – Once our office receives your form of payment, the following business day an e-mail will be sent to you, at the address you provided, containing your User Code, Password and a link to a Logon Session page to begin the course
Complete all course sections yielding to 8 hours of didactic participation
Understand patient selection and drug selection criteria in Minimal sedation.
Recognize rules and recording keeping required in minimal sedation.
Utilize techniques useful in monitoring and administration of minimal sedation.
Understand management of urgency /emergency in minimal sedation.
Table of Contents After you have successfully completed a section, you will take a required exam. You must achieve a passing score of 90%. If you fail to answer enough questions correctly, you will be instructed to re-take the exam and a new set of questions will be provided. You will have three chances to fulfill the requirements. If you are not successful, you will be instructed to re-take the section.
section 01: Techniques of Minimal Sedation This section of the course will review basic concepts and practice of minimal sedation techniques. Topics discussed will include pre operative physical evaluation, informed consent, escorts, management of the routine medications used by the patient, timing of drug administration and the potential of re-administration. The presentation will conclude with a review of appropriate discharge criteria.
section 02: Patient Evaluation & Treatment Planning This section presents an update on Patient Evaluation & Treatment planning including advantages and disadvantages for level I, minimal sedation & comparing them with those of other sedation modalities including Nitrous Oxide Oxygen inhalation sedation; assessment of patient anxiety levels in order to ensure optimal outcomes; and the detail that is required prior to sedation procedures that should appear in informed consent documents.
section 03: Pharmacology This section addresses pharmacology of agents used in enteral (oral) and combination inhalation enteral sedation including drug interactions and incompatibilities. The section is presented to address pertinent information on the practical application of pharmacology in enteral and inhalation drugs used for minimal sedation. Also addressed are the pharmacology of sedation agents and emergency drugs for sedation procedures in Minimal Sedation; because the pharmacologic actions of sedative drugs are important in the appropriate selection and administration of drugs for Level I minimal Sedation procedures.
section 04: Monitoring This section reviews monitoring techniques used in Minimal Sedation.
section 05: Rules and Records This section will review TSBDE rules regarding the administration and documentation of minimal sedation in Texas.
section 06: Understanding& Managing Drug Interactions This section presents information to create an understanding of the continuum of sedation through which the dentist can make appropriate choices of pharmacologic agents that can be safely and effectively used for various sedation procedures including Level I Minimal Sedation, Nitrous Oxide and local anesthesia. Utilization of processes to manage team education on adverse drug interactions will also be discussed.
section 07: Complications, Emergencies & Urgencies This section will review common anticipated urgencies and emergencies in minimal sedation. Discussion will include over sedation, respiratory depression, airway obstruction, nausea and vomiting and aspiration. Emphasis will be placed on team management of an emergency.
Comprehensive Exam After you have successfully completed the 11 course content sections, you will take the required comprehensive exam to finalize your participation in this course. You will be required to achieve a passing score of 80%. If you fail to answer enough questions correctly, you will be instructed to re-take the exam and a new set of questions will be provided. You will have three chances to fulfill the requirements. If you are not successful, you will be instructed to contact the Office of Continuing Dental Education.
It is the policy of the UT Health San Antonio Office of Continuing Dental Education to ensure balance, independence, objectivity and scientific rigor in all of its sponsored educational activities. All participating speakers, course directors, and planning committee members are required to disclose to the program audience any financial relationships related to the subject matter of this program. Relationships of spouse/partner with proprietary entities producing health care goods or services should be disclosed if they are of a nature that may influence the objectivity of the individual in a position to control the content of the CDE activity. Disclosure information is reviewed in advance in order to manage and resolve any possible conflicts of interest. Specific disclosure information for each speaker, course director, and planning committee member will be shared with the audience prior to the speaker’s presentation.
Continuing Dental Education Staff members have nothing to disclose.